Hail Damage: How To Identify It And What To Do

Hail storms have been a common weather issue in the United States for many years. Their occurrence is mainly during fall, spring, and summer. Hailing weather is a serious concern for the safety of the house. In 2019, 7.1 million properties in the US were damaged by hail storms. Hail varies in size and weight and causes damage to the roofs and outdoor assets like cars and domestic animals. If you want to identify hail damages and find a solution to fix them, here are key points to consider.

What Do Hail Damaged Roofs Look Like? 

Sometimes, it is hard to tell if hail has damaged your roof. The roof’s appearance may look fine from the ground, but it’s best to have someone inspect it up close.

Here are a few ways to identify hail damage to your roof:

  • Dents on the gutters
  • Broken windows or damage frames on your house 
  • Loose granules or cracks on your roofing material

If you decide to check the stability and safety of your roof, it is best to call a local roofing company. Until you are sure of the hail damage, the actions you take will determine the future safety of your roof. 

What To Do If Your Roof is Damaged by Hail

When your roof gets damaged by hail, you may worry about what to do next. Here are two main solutions to your problem:

  • Call Your Insurance Company: If your house is insured, contact your insurance provider to assess the damage and compensate you accordingly.
  • Call A Roofing Company: A roofing company will advise you on the best roofing material and course of action. You should also check on their reviews and experience to ensure you get the best roofing contractor.

After you have identified hail damage on your roof, whether you have an insurance cover or not, the decision of the company to renovate and repair rests in you. Therefore, selecting a reputable roofing service provider is critical. Quality comes with experience. If you want a skilled and experienced roofer to repair your roof that has been damaged by hail, contact us today.

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